Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own.
As you well know, (A) has been taking drum lessons with the New City School of Music for 4 years now. He has blossomed into a great, versatile drummer. He has been a full remote student since COVID hit, and we were so excited to report last month that in person performances are back. Despite being able to learn online, and participate in virtual performances as well as performing for NYSSMA this spring, he has really missed having opportunities to showcase his talents live. As mentioned in my previous article he has two opportunities upcoming to do so.
The first was an outdoor recital this past weekend. These organized performances (which happen twice a year) are free of charge to parents, family members and friends to attend. Sam and the music school staff were able to book Zukor Park, and get the mobile bandstand stage for the students to perform on. The usual performance space is indoors, and although it’s awesome, this was a really nice opportunity. He hasn’t played live outdoors yet. As a musician it can pose a whole new set of obstacles to overcome.
Having been away from the scene for a year and a half, he was understandably nervous. He was in the last group of the day (NCSM breaks performers into groups so you don’t have to be there all day, although you could if you wanted to) and when we arrived we learned that he was closing out the whole performance! Super cool, especially since he always chooses something fun and upbeat. I brought my good camera to snap some pics, intended for this article.
When it was his turn, (A) got settled on stage and arranged the kit the way he likes it and the music started. He had difficulty hearing the music and missed his entrance. For most kids, especially those with little experience it would have totally thrown them off. For a moment I didn’t dare breathe, afraid that he might become embarrassed, stop, I am not even sure what I was afraid of. I underestimated him. He simply listened, counted and jumped in. You would never know.
At the end is where he really shocked me. He was feeling it, and proud, he knew he overcame a huge moment. He finished the song and threw his hands and sticks up in celebration. All in attendance cheered and I snapped a quick (mediocre) photo.
He then came off stage and his sister so proud of him, threw herself around him in congratulations. I missed it. Know who didn’t miss it? The professional photographer that NCSM hired to take photos of the day, (Latham Photography) at no charge to us students. He captured all of it, and super well. Two days after the performance we received our complimentary link to download the edited photos and I was floored. Below are HIS photos of this awesome event.
Did I mention they even went around and took family photos? Here’s our group <3
Needless to say, I am one happy momma. (A) has shown so much growth even in adversity, overcame a little blip in his first live performance in a year and a half, entertained the crowd and has set a new standard for his next performance. Which will be at the ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME in Cleveland Ohio in August, another amazing opportunity afforded us by The New City School of Music. I look forward to reporting back and updating you all on that experience as well. <3
If you are interested in hearing more about The New City School of Music and what they have to offer, give them a call. We as always appreciate you mentioning you heard it here. Their current promotion is as follows: