Disclosure: This post contains links to other posts of past projects. Within each post there are affiliate links to purchase supplies. This means that when purchased, the website earns a small percentage of your order.
It’s no surprise that I LOVE a handmade ornament. In fact, we make one every year. Its a challenge for me creatively too, because I prefer to make it a handprint ornament or a fingerprint one. Here is a look at this years’ as well as a compilation of those from the past in case you are looking to re-create one or for inspiration. If you aren’t quite as crazy as me, you can always go see Jill at Jill’s Ceramics and she can help you recreate these (or a version of them) with her ceramic ornaments.
Here’s how I work it: My elves (Marvin and Lily) bring the kids a photo or sample of what they need to recreate. We have one big kid who knows about Christmas but still loves the Magic we make, and one who is hanging on to all the belief by a tread, so I am of course apt to do it up this year while I can. All of the supplies come too. Then we work to create several (we give all the grandparents a copy) of the ornaments. At Christmas, they all expect it and its fun to look at all of them over the years. THIS YEAR- my kids are now the “big cousins” so the Elves will still bring them all the supplies, but will instruct them to teach the little guys how to do it, therefore, they will have all the supplies to bring to our family night at my sister’s house.
This year everything we do is Rudolph themed, we started with a trip to see the musical (SO WORTH IT) and it has snowballed from there. No surprise that although I did a version of the same in 2012 with just (A) I felt it was ok to repeat. 1. Because now (E) is here, and 2. Because there are little cousins involved now as well.
What you need:
- Wood Slice Ornaments
- Brown Paint
- White paint
- Pink and/or Red Paint (for girls- modeled after Clarice and Rudolph’s Mom)
- Brown and Black Paint Pens
- Red Glitter glue
- Small Google Eyes
- Small Detail Paint Brush
The kids haven’t done it yet, they will in 2 weeks, but with shipping delays we wanted to get this out to you ASAP. I have added a photo of the Elves’ sample for them to follow.
Once complete, we added on the back “Shine Like Rudolph” and of course the year is on it.
You can add names above the deer if you want, and in a family where the kids’ thumbs are smaller you may be able to fit the whole family (I am assuming my siblings will do this). It’s super cute and I ADORE THIS TRADITION.
We started this tradition in 2012 when (A) was 2. I have linked the past projects here so that you can look for inspiration. They can all also be found on “Pinterest” under RocklandNYMom
Past Ornaments:

This was the “Little Cousin” version because they were single kiddos and had smaller hands <3

Since I have the two kiddos this is the version we did, (A) is the Grinch and (E) is Max <3
Love Ornaments as much as we do?? Read about our other ornament traditions (yes we are going to need another tree soon-not a horrid problem to have <3)
- Ornament Adventure Tradition
- Christmas Card Ornament Tradition (which we love so much we started doing it for our cousins too!)
Nice job Megan