Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. All opinions are my own. I love preserving handprints and footprints. I use them for almost everything. Something about how fleeting they are. You blink and they are grown. I feel that way when I look at my little (A). I just had to sign him up for (GULP)
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. All opinions are my own. As a special education teacher, friend and parent something that really hits home for me is the need for more understanding for children with differences. All of them. That’s why when a fellow blogger Haute Happenings posted about this I had to share (with
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. There are what seems like a million childcare options available these days. Most of them outrageously expensive, and how do you choose between them? One that is often overlooked but can be most affordable (especially if you need many hours and have multiple
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are those of Halli Tibbals, Younique presenter extraordinaire. Whenever anyone asks me what three things I’d bring on a deserted island with me, I always say one of them has to be mascara (and a GOOD lip balm and a HOT man). All joking aside, it doesn’t matter what
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Todd Flesher is a certified teacher and although I have found his process to be educationally sound it is still up to the parent to interview and find a tutor that they find to be appropriate for your child’s needs. As an educator this
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as I was invited to the Mrs. Claus Story time event. All opinions expressed are my own. All photos were provided by Stefanie Murphy Media. Although I took my own, hers were just too amazing. There are so many options out there for Christmas experiences it’s difficult to weed
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are the opinion of Jamie who authored this post. I don’t often get the opportunity to dress like a human. I really mean that. Most of the time I am in my mommy clothes or so focused on whatever financial analysis I am working on that
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. Presented by Canon: Salute to Wildlife Ice Carving Week Returns to the WCS’s Bronx Zoo for the Holidays · Ice carving week: Friday, Dec. 26 – Wednesday, Dec. 31 · Holiday fun includes wildlife ice carving competition, professional carving demonstrations; interactive ice play area; ice displays; and more ·
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. What: Weekday and Weekend Programs and Events Where: Greenburgh Nature Center When: Month of February 2015 How Much: See Below For further information, call (914) 723-3470 or go to: www.greenburghnaturecenter.org FEBRUARY WEEKDAY CLASSES FOR YOUNG CHILDREN Children and parents or caregivers come for nature fun. Admittance closes 15 minutes after the start of the program. NEW DROP IN
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. · Tot Tuesdays will continue throughout the month so even the tiniest of LEGO fans can join in on the fun! The attraction will be filled with fun-filled activities designed specifically with toddlers in mind. Tot Tuesdays are every Tuesday from 10am-2pm and tickets are only $14. · Get