Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. I am always looking for fun experiences to bring the kids to. It becomes difficult from time to time to find something that will interest both my daughter AND my son. Princess balls, tea parties etc. are all awesome and fun for me
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own. Like so many other people right now, I am dying to be outside. I want to enjoy this beautiful weather. Sit on the deck and watch the kids play on the swing set. My deck needed help. Like serious help. I had to beg
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. RocklandNYMom started our camps page last year, but with (A) becoming of “school age” it’s my first year really paying attention. So many choices. I had to educate myself a bit. One great way to educate yourself and find out about the various
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as we were invited to DiggerlandUSA for the day. All opinions expressed are my own. Last year we had the pleasure of attending and reviewing Sahara Sams Oasis. We had an outstanding time (see our review here). I was so excited when we were invited to come and check
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. Another great opportunity for employment has come across the desk of RNYM. This one is a longer span and deals with feedback using simulations. Please see the information below. (E) works on her BLOG… (no she can’t have one, not yet anyway). ASAPP is looking for people to help
CASTING CALL FOR BEECH-NUT FIRST MOTHER’S DAY 2015 VIDEO RocklandNYMom is honored to have been asked to help out with a casting call for BEECH-NUT and their Mother’s Day Video. Those chosen will be compensated. Please read the requirements below and email the necessary information (also below) to John F.X. Anderson at Black Watch Productions, Inc. JFXA@Blackwatchproductions.com at your earliest
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own, and based off of an interview conversation with Rachel Gottlieb, LCSW. Part of RocklandNYMom’s commitment to becoming THE resource for the families of Rockland County and its surround areas means finding and connecting with ANYONE associated with children and families. I often joke
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. All opinions expressed are those of Scott Walters Travel Agent. The bug bit me on a two night cruise to nowhere with my wife on a ship that no longer exists. After that initial morsel, I have grown in my love for cruising as a vacation option and so
Dislcosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions and information presented are my own opinions and that of Shane our Plexus Ambassador. I am sure that by now you have seen Plexus all over the internet, Facebook, twitter, Instagram, whatever. What you most often see is the desired effect of weight loss since everyone is