Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as we were invited to attend. All opinions expressed are my own. There are a lot of great activities out there to do for the holidays. So many that we bring you various posts for each where you can choose which to attend. We don’t list EVERY single event
This past summer we had a BLAST at Dino Days on the Delaware River Railroad, so we were ecstatic when we were invited back to ride the Easter Bunny Train this past Saturday. The train station was a quick hour and a half trip into New Jersey, right to the boarder of Pennsylvania. Parking was
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. We teased that a giveaway was coming!!!!! If you have read our favorite Easter Activities (Click here) you know that one of our long time favorites is the Catskill Mountin Railroad Easter Bunny Train. All kiddies love train rides, and what could make it better than to have
Originally for the Rockland Mommies Easter Egg Hunt this year we wanted one of our awesome photographers from the directory to come and book some mini-sessions so that people could have some beautiful photos done while there. Unfortunately, no one could make it. We still wanted to have opportunities for people to commemorate the day
All of us from RNYM would like to thank everyone who came and participated in the 2016 Rockland Mommies Easter Egg Hunt. Things ran very smoothly this year and everyone had a blast (we think). Every year we make improvements based on your suggestions and comments. I would like to give a special thank you
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. WE LOVE TRAINS!!! We love the events that Delaware River Railroad runs! Last year we went on the Dinosaur Train Ride- Where (A) really found his love of fossils, well, anything Dinosaur really (seriously wait until you see his birthday party). How excited
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. If you have read our favorite Easter Activities (Click here) you know that one of our long time favorites is the Catskill Mountin Railroad Easter Bunny Train. All kiddies love train rides, and what could make it better than to have fun Easter Avtivities including photo opportunities,
Here’s some great stuff for you to do this weekend!!! The Bergen County Model Railroad Club’s 26th Annual Train Show runs for 4 weekends, Saturday February 13th through Sunday March 6th, including President’s Day Monday February 15th. The show consists of several new or revised large complex track layouts with a dozen or more
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. When I last wrote about Fitness Kickboxing NY I was thrilled to have started a journey back to my former self (READ ARTICLE ). I had lost 10lbs, begun to tone and have noticable differences not only in the way I looked but
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post as Little Ivy is a Camps Directory Sponsor. All opinions expressed are our own. Your Child Can. . . Build a Robot!. . . Create a Video Game! at Rockland YouthFEST 2016 & Ramapo STEAM Expo You and your family are invited to join us for a Sunday filled