Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions are our own. Article by Karen Koyler For most people, the word “vacation” evokes images of relaxing on the beach, drinking a leisurely cappuccino in a quaint piazza in Europe, and/or reading a novel by a roaring fire at a ski lodge. Now add the world “family”
MAKE NO BONES ABOUT IT! Stew Leonard’s to Welcome FORMER NFL GREAT BUBBA BAKER FOR A TASTING OF BUBBA Q’S DE-BONED BABY BACK RIB STEAK If you are looking for fall-off-the-bone-tender ribs, look no further than Bubba Baker’s patented Bubba’s Q De-Boned Baby Back Rib Steak! Stew Leonard’s will welcome Al “Bubba” Baker, a former
Summer Camp Open House: Kids Can Make Special Fx Videos, Robots, Video Games, Digital Spy Gadgets! You and your families are invited to join us for a morning filled with real, hands-on discovery and real fun Saturday, April 23 at Little Ivy Academy’s Welcome Summer Camp Open House. Your kids can. . . CREATE a
Record Store Day!!! ___________________________________________________________ Kids Club® Paper Butterfly Windsock Michaels April 16, 2016 (10:00 AM -12:00 PM) Drop in for Kids Club from 10-noon on Saturday, April 16th, where kids will make a windsock. Just $2 per child for 30 minutes of creative, craft fun – supplies included! ___________________________________________________________ ROCA OPEN HOUSE!!! ___________________________________________________________ Beginner Bird Watching Use
SATURDAY, APRIL 16TH IS RECORD STORE DAY 2016! We still use records in our house. WE like the music quality and so do our kids. So this was right up our alley. On April 16, record stores across the country will take part in the ninth annual party known as Record Store Day. The celebration
Ashley found a great list of places to take mom for Mother’s day (5/8 in case you forgot). Book quickly if you are interested, because they FILL UP FAST!! Feel like ordering in instead? Check out Luigi O’Grady’s for a fabulous Family Meal that you can bring home!!! Pier 701 701 Piermont Avenue, Piermont NY 10968
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. By: Jamie Silver, Norwex Consultant Top Ten Reasons You Don’t Want to Miss This Workshop: 10. You get back Time 9. It’s just in time for Spring Cleaning. 8. A night out with…….Wine, prizes and giveaways…. 7. Your skin needs to be summer ready–
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. As mentioned in my previous article I have been reassessing my home environment since (E) was born three years ago. Aside from her medical complications I am sure that another accelerant to my natural movement is that it was at this time that
Disclosure: All opinions expressed are my own. As you read I want you to understand that I am not telling this story for pity. I am a lucky momma, and am fully aware of how blessed I am that my daughter is and will continue to be just fine. Everyone has a story and this
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. (A) and I ADORE the Condors Swimming Program. The Calendar for April has come out! Now is still a great time to get swimming as class sizes are still small (before the summer rush), Registration will be closing on March 31st at 9:00am.