Disclosure: This is a sponsored post, all opinions expressed are my own. My son just started drum lessons. He had such a blast while at The New City School of Music with Andrew (READ HERE), that he asked and asked to go back, and here we are!!! I love this because not only is (A)
Fall is here, and so are the APPLES! I can’t wait to bake apple pie with the kids. Here is a list of local orchards, be sure to call ahead to check hours, pricing, activities and apple availability! ___________________________________ Rockland County Dr. Davies Farm Route 304 Congers, NY 845-268-7020 DrDaviesFarm.com Facebook Page They have over 4,000 trees and 15 different
Save The Date: September 10th Fitness 450’s debut launch event Two world-class fitness experts will lead 450-style workouts. The event will run from 9AM-11AM The event is complimentary and babysitting will be available at no charge. Register at http://fitness-450.com/ 450 West Nyack Rd. West Nyack, NY 10994 Info@Fitness-450.com Fitness 450, Rockland’s hottest new workout, offers
For our most recent RNYM event we teamed up with our friends over at Surge Studio for a Beach Dance Party! Miss Carly and a few of the dancers from the competitive dance team greeted us with huge smiles when we arrived. Each child was given Hawaii’n lei’s to wear and the main dance studio was
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are our own. Back to school is NUTS!!! There are nerves, lists and so much more going on. Here are some easy and cute ideas for making it easier and more enjoyable on you. Clothing- Some of our Favorite stores are having HUGE sales. One is
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. We are a music family. I have said it before and I will say it again. We love music. We listen to it during dinner, we jump at opportunities to experience it live. Heck RNYD and I were even in a classic rock
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post, just a super cool place we HAD to share. Here at RNYM we scour areas close to us looking for fun for the children of Rockland County. Little (E) is growing at an alarming rate (don’t they all though?). She recently got really into the Bitty Baby Doll (Baby
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are our own. I am such a control freak when it comes to my parties, and quite a snob when it comes to stationery. I know this is my own problem. But everyone who knows me expects it, they have even mentioned getting excited when
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are our own. We really truly ADORE Kiddie Academy of Northvale. For anyone looking for childcare providers- they are one NOT TO MISS. The facilities are top notch, the staff caring and inviting, and the curriculum engaging and appropriate for development. Not only do they provide
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. Two months ago the person who had been cutting little (E)’s hair stopped returning my calls. We are VERY particular about her hair, she has a great head of fine hair, with a great little curl at the bottoms. No joke- I would