Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. This past weekend RNYM held our first of MANY super fun events at Sparkle Up in New City. The Halloween Party hosted over 30 adorable kids in costume and we all had a blast. Deborah and I are hard at work planning the
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. As you may already have read (A) has begun drum lessons at New City School of Music. We knew that he was musical- he has a general love with it. Sleeps old school with his radio on listening all night, and asked for
*Cut Your Own Christmas Tree 2017* My husband and would LOVE the tradition of cutting down our own tree. But due to the allergies in the home, we can’t have one. So, this year we are going to head to a local farm to take in the experience even if we can’t bring home a tree.
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. If you grew up in Rockland County any time in the recent future you have been to at least one birthday party at Jills Ceramics. Jill is an icon. Her studio across from Germonds pool has been there as long as I can
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post- All opinions expressed are my own. Some of the links included are affiliate links. The first of the 5 Gift Challenge that I wanted to tackle was the something to wear. For my little fashonista (E) I knew this would be pretty easy. She loves clothes, and feeling pretty.
Fire Truck Pine Box Derby!! Perplexed by pumpers? Limited knowledge about ladder trucks? Really confused about rescues? Come join us November 4th at 10:30am, for the “Wheel of Fire Trucks” game show to help you learn about them all! Then pick your favorite truck to build and decorate, and send your racer down the track.
Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. EDIT: I originally intended to release this in November, but since it takes so much time and effort to consider, I decided to publish earlier, so you can follow our journey, and/or have time to start your own. Every year I start
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. At RNYM we are always researching the VERY best services for our parents. From the beginning stages of life all the way through. That’s where we found Laura Wanamaker, who specializes in helping mothers through the beginning stages of being a mom, the
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own. By: Ashley This summer we took full advantage of the convenience of having swim lessons at home. I found the boys were more comfortable in their own space, which I truly believe contributed to their growth as swimmers over the past few months.
LEGOLAND Discovery Center Westchester Offers Spooktacular Fun for Kids and Adults to Get in the Halloween Spirit Yonkers, N.Y. (October 3, 2016) – A ghoulishly good time is brewing at LEGOLAND® Discovery Center Westchester during the month of October. The attraction has doubled up on bootiful fun with two spooktacular events – Brick-or-Treat every weekend in