Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own.
I promised you a monthly update on (A)’s progress so here we go…
I have to admit, I thought when the parents at the Condors Swim lessons warned me that we would become addicted they were joking. We had signed on for one month of lessons. At the end of that month (A) was doing so well and enjoyed it so much that we had to sign up again (read our review here). Here we are now at the end of month two, just having signed up for the first summer session, and here’s why.
(A) adores his teachers. I actually get in trouble if we are running late. At the conclusion of his classes, he always tries to talk me into purchasing another session for him. Finally, on days when he doesn’t have class, he asks if he can go.
Aside from that is what he is accomplishing during these lessons. At the end of month one he was looking good, starting to gain confidence in the water, even submerging his head. At the end of month two I can happily add that he is “swimming”. That is, he can put his head under water and kick at the same time. He is moving. I am actually so mad because the one lesson that I had to miss because of another engagement, RNYD took him, and it was the first time that (A) achieved this feat. I remember them coming home running in the door saying “I can swim!” RNYD came in right behind asking why I hadn’t told him that he could do that… The answer, he hadn’t done it yet.
So fresh off of his success he is excited to start intense training (4x a week for 2 weeks) in summer session 1. All I can think is, if he has done this well only attending twice a week, how much will he gain at the end of this session?
How can I tell he really loves it and wanted to do it again? He asked for the additional lessons for his birthday, in lieu of toys. That is HUGE for a 5 year old.
We are really excited too. Ashley mentioned to me during one of our first talks that once he was “swimming” the fine tuning would begin, and that is where we are. I cannot wait to see him continue to develop. He LOVES every moment of class and so do we (he even tells me I don’t have to walk him into the pool area anymore, he knows the drill).
The best part? I am glad that he is swimming and will continue to become a good swimmer. It’s a huge part of our lives (both grandmothers have pools). RNYD and I both swim well. More than that, he will be safer. Confidence and a good foundation in the water will give us piece of mind to know that we can spend time at the pools and the beach.
I am over the moon with his progress in the Condors Swimming program and cannot wait to post again in 2 weeks and show you more!
If you would like to see video of (A)’s swimming progress check out our YouTube Channel (just search RocklandNYMom)!
For more information on Condors Swimming visit their website at: http://www.condors.org or email them at lessons@condorsswimming.com.