Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own.
Valentines day is special. Its a great time for kids and (A)’s school does so many cute things. The one thing I am not a fan of is all the candy. Its a common gripe of mine. As a cookie and candy addict myself (see my review of German Grocery and its amazing treats), I make every effort to teach my kids that sweets are a treat. They are not something that needs to be consumed on a daily basis, or in mass quantities. I try to teach them that it is actually more enjoyable to have one really good cookie than a bag of any old treat. In that same thought I try then to send in Valentines that do not include candy to the class each year. Here is what I came up with this year.
(A) really loves Hot Wheels Cars. So does (E) for that matter. They are small and fun and encourage imagination, and they don’t break the bank. So this year we decided to make Hot Wheels Valentines.
It actually took me a little while to come up with the phrase “Head over WHEELS for you Valentine!” I originally planned to do “Like you Loads!” but couldn’t find enough trucks to follow through.
First I created a template to use as the card. I used publisher and have uploaded it here for you. (A)’s school requires that the kids sign their own names if they can, so we left a space inside the hearts.
I purchased the 5-packs of cars to use on them. I wanted to be able to attach them without ruining the cars, so we used “cold” hot glue. It doesn’t reach super high temperatures so it won’t melt the car wheels, but will hold for our purposes.
Here’s the class set!!!
That’s it! Hope you enjoy!!