Disclosure: This is an unsponsored post, all opinions expressed are my own.
Somewhere around the age of 11 my dad took my siblings and I skiing for the first time. For my brother and I it was love at first glide. Not so much for my sister. My brother eventually transitioned to the snowboard and I kept to skis.
For the next 7 or so years we did it every year- I had my own skis and for my birthday (in January) my dad would take me and a friend away for the weekend to ski. Great, great memories.
When I went to college to play sports- I had to stop. Couldn’t take a chance of getting hurt doing something risky. During those college years I had several knee injuries- and I was afraid to get back out on the slopes.
When I had kids- I knew I wanted to expose them to the sport. I loved it so much- and it’s a life long skill. So when RNYD and I were looking to purchase a lake home- we knew we wanted to find a place near skiing.
We purchased a cabin in the Poconos during Covid that has its own ski hill- but had to wait a year after buying to introduce them- due to restrictions on lesson giving. They LOVED IT! So much that we rented equipment last year our second season. As predicted by RNYD, after watching them for almost two full seasons I finally decided I had to try- would I remember? Would this be a disaster?
Turns out- it’s like riding a bike- my body knew and muscle memory took over. I have no interest in flying down a mountain or attacking moguls anymore- but some leisurely carving is a fabulous family day. I looked at renting for myself next year but ultimately decided to purchase my skis since I’m not growing anymore.
I waited until the end of the season to catch a good sale and ordered what I thought was a fabulous deal online. Well- the skis were great but the boots were horrid. You see – I have massive athletic calves. They require a specific boot and you can’t do that online.

At my brothers suggestion I hit up Ron at Orange County Snowboards– he spent 2 hours finding me just the right stuff- and then I got a GREAT deal- better yet- I supported a local shop with knowledgeable personnel which helps to boost the local economy (which you know we’re passionate about). I’m so excited for this ski season.

Then I learned a few things while there- about these great programs the Ron runs. For instance, we’re all tricked into thinking that for kids- the only way to go is renting cause they grow too fast. Well- he’s thought of that and has a buy back program where you buy skis which last a few years- at a good price then you purchase boots for your kiddo- and when they grow out of the boots the following year- he’ll buy them back at half price toward your new boots (as long as they’re in good condition). That means that buying my kids skis- is actually the same price or comparable to renting- and they’re completely tailored to my kids. Not generic stuff like we had at our last rental (at a different location).

I had been disappointed at our last rental anyway as my sons snowboard failed 2x and had to be repaired. In fact, I was told by a shop that repaired it one time- that it should’ve have been rented to us in that condition. I was therefore looking to switch this year. Ron was shocked to hear this story as well- he’s meticulous about his rentals.
If you’re in the market for new skis- or rentals for next year- I highly recommend Orange County Snowboards. You’re shopping local (Hudson Valley) you’re getting quality- and you’re getting cost effective.
I was so impressed that when I head up this weekend to pick up my fitted skis- I’m bringing my kids’ bikes to be tuned up for the season- cause -yeah they do that too.
If you decide to go on over, tell Ron we sent you, because although this is an unsponsored post, we always appreciate the love.
Here’s where to find them:
- 845-294-RIDE(7433)
- Ron@ocsnowboards.com
- Willthorneocs@gmail.com
- 1778 Route 17M
Goshen, NY 10924
- Mon: Closed
- Tues – Fri: 11:00pm-6:00pm
- Sat: 10:00am-5:00pm
- Sun: 10:00am-4:00pm