Now that we have all had a chance to settle into our summer routines, many may be wondering what we can do to keep the kiddies on level over the summer. Well- Here are a slew of FREE reading programs you can participate in with your kids!!
The list contains both Business and Library Programs- Check out the incentives provided for reading!!
By: Deirdre Costello

Grades K-8
Children receive a FREE BOOK through B&N by reading three books and completing a journal about the books they’ve read.
The Summer Reading Triathlon will conclude at the end of the summer with a closing ceremony on August 27 at 11AM.
Visit you local B&N Store (or head to for a Summer Triathlon Reading Journal.
The Scholastic Summer Reading Challenge
Free book lists, resources and activities
Runs until September 9th
This May through July, Scholastic is visiting communities big and small, hosting reading festivals for families with kids ages 0–12. The closest location to check this out is:

Finkelstein Library
On Your Mark, Get Set… READ!
Registration continues throughout July with 6 weeks of summer events to look forward to.
The library calendar has the when and where for all their great summer programs!
1,000 Books Before Kindergarten is also available for Pre-K children.
Special programs, movies , book bucks to spend on prizes, Could enter to win Kindle Fire!
Events include movies, laser tag, giant games, crochet classes, 3-D printing, coding boot camp, writing workshop, open night and an invitation for the ultimate video arcade experience on Arcade2 Go .

West Nyack Library Children’s Summer Reading
Earn stickers and Book Bucks to trade for prizes
Clarkstown School District Suggested Summer Reading Lists are also included on this site.
June 27th- August 11th
June 18th- August 27th
Register online here or in at the library

Haverstraw King’s Daughters Public Library
Registration begins July 1 at the Children’s Reference Desk
Grades K-12 residing in the North Rockland School District.
Enjoy reading books, making crafts, playing games, and watching exciting shows while winning stickers and prizes every week!
Teen Program link